‘Communications, Electromagnetics and Medical Applications’ (CEMA ’25)
Athens, Greece
October 20-21, 2025
ISSN: 1314-2100


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Focus and Scope

The International Engineering Conference on ‘Communications, Electromagnetics and Medical Applications’ (CEMA) is dedicated to all essential aspects of the development of global Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering and their impact for medicine. The Conference is mainly aimed to facilitate the exchange of experience in different fields of Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering as wireless communications, radars, mobile communications, satellite communications, signal processing techniques, laser and optical systems, ultrasound systems, electromagnetics, microwave and their applications in medicine. The original ideas related to the emergence of new “engineering market” will be encouraged. The objective of the Conference is to bring together engineers, researchers and practitioners from different countries, working in the above mentioned scientific areas in order to exchange information and bring new contribution to this important field of Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering design. The Conference will bring you to the latest ideas and development of the tools for these scientific areas directly from their inventors. The Engineering Conference CEMA is publishing scientific regular papers dealing with the following areas in ‘Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering’:

  • Engineering in Wireless Communications
  • Engineering in Mobile communications
  • Engineering in Satellite communications
  • Signal processing Engineering
  • Laser and optical Engineering
  • Microwave and Radar Engineering
  • Ultrasound Engineering
  • Engineering investigations on Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • Electromagnetic Engineering in medicine
  • Engineering imaging technology (microwave tomographic techniques, x-rays imaging, ultrasound imaging, etc.)
  • Engineering in Telemedicine