Submission Deadline:
April 30th, 2025
Notification of Acceptance:
May 31st, 2025
Conference Dates:
July 24-26, 2025
Prof. Dr. Rumen Mironov
off. 1228, fl. 2, bldg. 1
Technical University of Sofia
8 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
1756 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 965 3283
Contact for China
Editor Chaoming Yang
IRNet China, Wuhan
Tel: 15527861909 (Editor Tang)
6th International Workshop on New Approaches for
Multidimensional Signal Processing
NAMSP 2025
Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
July 24-26, 2025
NAMSP 2025 is organized under the frame of the research project KP-06-N27/16 "Development of efficient methods and algorithms for tensor-based processing and analysis of multidimensional images with application in interdisciplinary fields", financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.
The main objectives of the project are related to the development of new efficient methods and algorithms for the representation, processing and analysis of multi-dimensional images (MDI) of various types, such as: video clips, sequences of thermal imaging (TVI) and ultrasound images (USI), multispectral images (MSI), computed tomography (CTI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRTI), etc. The fulfillment of these goals requires the following main tasks to be solved:
First task: presentation of MDI based on new tensor decomposition methods.
Second task: MDI processing based on a new method of adaptive 3D tensor-based interpolation and the development of a new method of multidimensional adaptive LMS filtration.
Third task: MDI analysis based on tensor-based new intelligent methods and algorithms for segmentation of 3D objects developed by the members of the collective, which are distinguished by increased accuracy with respect to the nearest known ones.
Fourth task: simulation of the developed new algorithms based on the use of available test databases containing different types of real MDIs.
Fifth task: Dissemination of the results obtained from the implementation of the project through participation in specialized international forums in the field of information technologies: telecommunications, medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, etc., as well as in specialized refereed scientific publications (magazines, conference proceedings, etc.), including those with an impact factor.
It is planned to organize an international scientific seminar on the subject of the project, at which some of the main results obtained by the scientific team in the process of project implementation will be presented.
Sixth task: Increasing the qualifications of the young participants in the project: students, doctoral students and university professors, and as a result - increasing the capacity of the personnel of the Technical University-Sofia, etc.
The obatined results from investigated new methods will be described in papers presented at the workshop.